Sunday, January 31, 2010

Know Linux partition and Directory

/ (Root)
This partition is usually used for storing temporary files, is required before linux can mount the partition / usr.File-file as Boot Linux kernel and image, and all binary files as well as many important log files are also important. This partition is also used for temporary space when the operating system that requires performance, such as building or create a RPM packet from the source RPM files.

/ usr
This partition one partition that requires a large space, since many binary files in need linux, like many software installation, web pages, Squid proxy cache, Samba share files, all the local installation log files and other stored here.
Some local directory / usr:
# / usr / doc
Documentation relating to the installation program.
# / usr / bin
Execute the program is not required when booting or repair is usually only system.Program utility tools .. etc
# / usr / local / src
Source code for application installation

/ home
This partition to use for home directory of each user, is required if you provide a shell account to each of this partition user.

Linux provides something called virtual memory, this partition is in accordance with this functuin.Partition made two times larger than the size of physical RAM is available, when the physical memory available RAM is full, SWAP partitions are used to help.

/ var
This partition is used to store variable files, files in / var is dynamic and continuously in writing or there is a change.
Some local directory to / var:
# / Var / spool
File Print Jobs, mail spool etc ..
# / var / log
File that contains the log information
# / var / run
File that contains the process ID, the service is running ..

/ boot
Partitions are used to store the file directory that is required when linux did booting.Like the vmlinux file, and the linux kernel files etc ..

/ etc
Directory that contains the local machine configuration file, save the configuration program in this directory and the file becomes a reference when running the program.

/ mnt
Used to mount the file system temporarily, when the mount cdrom or usb mount point flashdisk.Standar location is located at / mnt / cdrom or / etc .. mnt/sda1

/ proc
Provides information and processes running kernel.Directory information is used as information systems hardware such as RAM, CPU etc. ..

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